Monday, December 29, 2008

Professor Layton: GECY NW puzzle

For the GECY NW puzzle from Professor Layton and the Curios City, here is the solution:

OLD: Finally, I found the solution. But honestly it has no reason! Because if somebody does a typo, he will use the same pattern for the following mistake. If you type a lot of time using a keyword (which everybody does in this era) your hands work magically without you looking and if you miss one key with one button to the left than all the text is going to be one left-key mistake.

UPDATE: Brittany is right: looking carefully at the chocolate bits, you can find the answer:

- 1. missing chunk up letter G => (check keyboard the letter on top G) => T
- 2. no missing chunk on letter E => E
- 3. missing chunk left letter C => X
- 4. missing chunk left Y => T
... and so on ===> GECY NW = TEXT ME

This is awsome, Brittany!!! How long did it take you?


Anonymous said...

the bites in the chocolate show where you move on a keyboard ie up left or right of a given key.

But I agree it's one of the more obtuse puzzles. We tried several answers the googled it.

emilia said...

I don't fully get "the bites show where you move on a keyboard"... sounds interesting. you made me curios, can you explain more?

Unknown said...

by bits he means the missing chunks of chocolate by the letters. there is a chunk missing at the top of G, to the left of G and Y and to the right of N and W, indicating which way to move on the keyboard. horrible puzzle.

emilia said...

Brittany, thank you a lot for the answer! After 6 months, I finally understand it. It's great! You made my day! :)

Leigh Averett said...

YOoooou are amazing. That's all there is to it. Someone should give you a prize and a cookie.

On another note, I am feeling especially murderous towards the maker of this particular puzzle D: