Tuesday, May 22, 2007

We - the outsiders

Dedication: For all my best friends not yet married... that makes exactly 2(and they used to be 5)

Everybody is getting married!

First it was the high-school marriage wave, now it's the university marriage wave! I have nothing against married people... But what about us - the rest? The unmarried 25 old generation?

We do exist! And we do not want to get married yet!... Because we didn't find mister right yet, because we don't quit want small monsters yet, we don't want to depend on somebody, we aren't prepared to the couple only talks, we can't give up to the single party-all-night-long life! Because we don't know what we want yet! ... Are we the next outsiders generation?

Are we still normal persons if we are not married yet? Do we still have marriage potential? Or are we destined to die with the cat, looking at used-to-be photos?

If everybody is getting married now, who will we find at 30 years old? The ever single guys? The mother-for-always guys? The afraid to commit guys? The workaholics? The old ones? Or, in the best case, the divorced ones? :) [thinking]

And where will we find them from now on? In general, couples start during high-school, university or friends' marriages! The high-school years... gone; the university-years... gone, the marriages done, next come the baby-showers (there are only couples)... So, what's next for us? The funerals? :))

And will the single status still be cool at 30 years old? Or does it sound better divorced? :))) ok, I need a divorced

PS: Any Bride bouquets for rent? :)


Mihai Campean said...

Yes Riko, everybody is getting married :)). There's a time and place for everything as a wise proverb says, however the real question you should ask yourself is: do you want to get married because it would make you happy or just because you are feeling constraint by the sets of values imposed by our society?

emilia said...

No, we do not feel constraint by the society's mind, but of the circumstances. If we do not find "the perfect one now", when will we? At 30s, we will find only the workalcholics and the stay-with-the wind ones. We need backups! (like Phoebe from Friends)

Mihai Campean said...

:)) You worry too much! You know there is a saying: that which you fear, you can't escape. You should focus on the positive side of things in order to attract happiness, otherwise misery loves company...
Besides, what you call context, is in fact a mindset that society imposed on us. Who said that marrying in your 30s is bad, who said that you won't be able to find somebody good if you passed a certain age, who said workaholics cannot be changed? Sounds to me more like a mindset with which we were raised and now we can't escape.
All is fair in love and war, you know...so my first question still remains.

Marius said...

No ofense ! Iti pui astfel de intrebari pe blog, pe un blog care arata a geek-blog ... Tehnic, in flash, 0 si 1 ... sentimente ?...
Nu sint lupul moralist, asa ca scuze din nou agresivitatea ...

emilia said...

@Marius :)))) Nu-ti fa probleme: nu ma simt jignita :))
De fapt articolul asta a vrut sa fie scris cu mult umor (haz de necaz sau ceva de genul asta)... Acuma, recitindu-l dupa f mult timp, n-are haz! :))

Cat despre blog: e f mare parte geek si putin sentimental... cred ca una din parti va castiga curand, oricum nu va fi partea sentimentala pura, poate doar ceva haz de sentimentalisme :))