Thursday, January 31, 2008

Moldable Mouse

The Play Doh lovers will enjoy this mouse. You can shape it any form you want. It is flexable, fun to use and you have now a reason to play with your mouse.
This mouse just won the red dot award: design concept 2007.

Made of lightweight modelling clay and covered with a nylon and polyurethane blend fabric, Moldable Mouse can be kneaded into shapes by users. By allowing a wide variety of hand positions when holding the mouse, it reduces repeated motions of the same posture, thereby minimising the chance of common mouse-related injuries such as the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The click buttons and touch-sensitive scroll pad of the mouse are stick-on parts with built-in RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device), which can be repositioned for maximum comfort.

I am expecting that a big market will start up for creating the shapes for the mouse. And the image shows that you put the button in the clay and it's a mouse!


1 comment:

Mihai Campean said...

Sweet, I want one of these! However I wonder if just by using them they wont deform into an unusable pile of dough...