Monday, December 29, 2008

professor Layton puzzle 5 Digital Digits

This is a tricky puzzle: Digital Digits (the one about clocks). The correct answer is: 34

You've figured out for sure:
01:11, 02:22, 03:33, 04:44, 05:55 and 10:00, 11:10, 11:11, 11:12, 11:13, 11:14, 11:15, 11:16, 11:17, 11:18, 11:19. => 16 combinations. And you have to count them twice as the puzzle asks you for all the combinations appearing during a day => 32 combinations.

The trick is that this is a 12-hour clock and "The indication of noon and midnight in the 12-hour system is disputed." (check Wikipedia). Looks like Layton's 12-hour clock displays the noun and midnight as being 12:00 and not 00:00 => 12:22 combination exists and appears twice.

32 + 2 (twice 12:22) = 34


Anonymous said...

what about 00:01, 00:02,00:03 etc.... I got 62 on this puzzle.....just didnt get it!

emilia said...

@lepter: Based on wikipedia "The indication of noon and midnight in the 12-hour system is disputed." Most of the 12-hours clocks display midnight (00:00) as noon (12:00). So, the combinations 00:01, 00:02, 00:03 and so on don't exist (instead there: 12:01, 12:02, 12:03 and so on).

tricky, not? ;)